About YJNT
Supporting professionals Working With Youth In Conflict With The Law
The Youth Justice Network of Toronto (“YJNT” “Network”) is a network of more than 1300 professional members that support youth facing barriers. This includes youth outreach workers, social workers, teachers, police officers, community activists, probation officers and others who work with youth in conflict with the law or youth at risk of being in conflict with the law.
What We Do
We count on our members to contribute their time and share their program updates to make this network as meaningful for youth and youth stakeholders. In return, we offer networking events, information sharing, professional development opportunities and the ability to remain an active member of the Youth Justice Network of Toronto.
Our Objectives
Encourage collaboration in pursuit of access to justice;
Promote new thinking about issues related to youth in conflict with the law and the justice system more broadly;
Develop the Network as a vibrant, progressive leader on issues of youth justice and other issues related to youth facing multiple barriers; and
Increase members’ understanding of the law and legal justice issues.
How To Get Involved
The YJNT is currently looking to recruit volunteers to assist in preparation for the Youth Justice Network meetings. Volunteers will take on tasks that will support front-line youth workers who work with youth facing multiple barriers and are in conflict with the law.
Tasks include:
Taking meeting minutes during meetings,
Recruiting new presenters,
Seeking out new training opportunities
Get in contact with YJNT here.